What does this have to do with baking? Not a darn thing, really, except that my new trash bin sits next to the desk where I type my recipes and compose my blogs. And I believe that having a cozy space with decent, simple furnishings and plenty of natural light is conducive to good writing, which is what I know have in my new room.
Just in time, too. This week my publisher and I agreed to produce another cookbook: Breadhead Breakfast Treats. From now until October my blog posts will be primarily (although not exclusively) a record of the process of testing recipes, taking pictures, and trying to get my part delivered to the editor by October 25 (my birthday). So I'll be spending lots of time with my laptop at my desk, with my new trash receptacle beside me slowly filling up with the shells of sunflower seeds. That is, when I'm not in the kitchen, up to my elbows in dough.
God bless and happy baking!