I'm bringing this up because I want my readers to know that although I do a lot of bread demos and lectures at Catholic parishes around Illinois, I'm just as comfortable speaking to Methodist and Lutheran parishes, civic groups and women's clubs. I know of several Lutheran parishes that have used my book Bake and Be Blessed for a sermon series or for staff formation. One of the first fan letters I ever received for my PBS show Breaking Bread was from the leader of a charismatic prayer group who said that they were "lifting you up to the Lord" at their weekly meeting. Bread has a universal appeal.
It all boils down to this: I want to multiply the loaves. I want the number of people who bake for their families to increase every day, to multiply the confidence and creativity of as many people as I can, in books and demos and posts online, through Pinterest and Facebook and Twitter and Craftsy and whatever the next big thing is. And whether I feed someone's hunger for cinnamon rolls or for companionship, for recipes or for reasons to bake, I'd like to believe that I'm doing the work of my Master.