Sourdough yeast and its accompanying lactobacilli produce acids, which is where the tangy flavor comes from. By added something alkaline (baking soda) you get carbon dioxide bubbles, which creates a lighter, fluffier product. But the rule of thumb is “1/4 teaspoon of baking soda per cup of flour”. Evidently, my eye was less than accurate this morning, because the pancakes were fluffy but had a decided chemical taste, indicating that there was more baking soda than could be neutralized by the acids in the batter. As usual, I mixed my starter with multigrain flour and a little filtered water the previous evening so it could develop overnight, but chemistry trumps even the best of intentions!
By itself, served warm with butter, the bread still seemed too sweet to me but I suspected it might still be enjoyed by the officers at the local police station. That’s where I usually take my test recipes when I’m at the lake cabin, so I don’t blow my blood sugar sky high! They 9and all first responders) stay plenty busy during the 4th of July celebrations, so if you have an extra plate a cookies, drop them by the local station.