I think they look awesome. Esp the ones with friar tuck hair lol
Or is it more 3 stooges-esque....lol
I like how they look, Father. Plus I bet they still taste great
I am totally digging their free form shape. Not all bread can be "super models" if it still tastes great then it is all good.
what a hoot!
I'd eat them!
I like the way they look. I think it was meant to be! Looks charming....and I bet a delight to eat.
They are so cute. They look like little characters from a Disney movie. Love them.
I think think they are really cool---kind of Alice in Wonderland!
I thought differentiation was a good thing.
They look artistic and tasty.
Out of a dozen or more I only had one that ever came out straight! looks like you stuck them together with more than just jamming a wooden spoon handle through the center.
Separate them into their individual loaves after baking and no one will ever know!
Reminds me of a Willy Wonka creation. Pour some chocolate on top and give them a funny name. Magical! (This one from my sister Eileen, God bless her!)
I think they're cute!